Public Announcement: AVOA Announces New Rates

Public Announcement: AVOA Announces New Rates


The Association of Voiceover Artistes Nigeria wishes to announce to her numerous clients and the General Public of the review of their Voiceover Rates which will take effect from December 1st, 2023.

Over the past few years, the Voiceover industry in Nigeria has seen significant growth, with Voiceover Artists honing their skills and expanding their expertise. With this progress, it becomes imperative to align compensation structure with prevailing market conditions, ensuring fair compensation for the invaluable talent and effort Voiceover Artists contribute to advertising campaigns.

After careful consideration, AVOA, in consultation with its members has reviewed and updated Voiceover rates for various categories. These new rates have been established in line with industry standards considering factors such as duration of script time medium of advertisement end reach of campaign.

As an Association committed to promoting excellence in voice over industry AVOA firmly believes that this revised rate structure will enhance quality voice over services promoted in Nigeria while supporting sustainability growth our talented voice over community.

We greatly appreciate your understanding cooperation matter Feel free contact AVOA any clarifications assistance you may require regarding new voice over rates

Thank you.